

Individual and Group Sessions Available!

Bill Morgan offers one-on-one and group intensive training in stress reduction techniques. Helpful in treating anxiety and other stress-related disorders, you will learn stress management techniques, relieve tension, and gain a feeling of control over the causes of stress.

Beginning the day with Mindfulness and breathing exercises for immediate release of Stress, Anxiety, and Pain, to completing the day with practical methods for meeting tomorrows challenges. A new path is begun for attaining long sought goals and well-deserved happiness. Aquatic Tuning and guided mindfulness sessions are practiced, along with familiar tasks using no-thought-no-mind technique.  Mindfulness skills will be key attainments: staying in the moment, releasing harmful tension, and opening energy channels blocked since childhood. Understanding and freeing one’s breathing instrument for performance and achievement is a core outcome. One will finish the day optimistic and confident with the skills to make life all it should be. This day is the turning point.

Your club or facility can partner in a weekend retreat. Usually begins Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday afternoon. Contact Bill for arrangements.

Heat of battle super performance!

Wake up the gladiator within and all you’re sleeping winning abilities. Put these new ancient Eastern techniques to work for you with the only training that unlocks the magic with aquatic biofeedback. 

Schedule a free consultation today!

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